Kodakos, Anastasios
Professor Dr. Anastassios Kodakos – Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, University of the Aegean.
Director of Master's Program "Models of Educational Planning and Development"
He studied at the Pedagogical Academy of Tripolis and pursued postgraduate studies in Germany. There, he studied Pedagogy and Philosophy at the Pedagogical and Philosophical Department of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart, where he also completed his doctoral dissertation titled: “Menschen Brauchen Mythen. Studie zum Bildungswert des Mythos” (“Humans Need Myths. A Study on the Educational Value of Myth”).
He taught as an appointed lecturer in the Pedagogical Department of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Stuttgart.
From 1995 to 1998, he served as a lecturer under Presidential Decree 407/80 at the Departments of Early Childhood and Primary Education of the University of the Aegean in Rhodes. In 1998, he was elected Assistant Professor in the Department of Preschool Education and Educational Design at the University of the Aegean in Rhodes. He became Associate Professor in 2003 and Professor in 2007.
The main courses he teaches are:
Undergraduate level: History of Education, Introduction to Pedagogy, Pedagogy/Intercultural Communication, History of Pedagogy, Theories, and Models of School Development.
Postgraduate level: In the M.Sc. program “Models of Design and Development of Educational Units,” he teaches “Issues of Communication in Administration and Education” and “Theories and Models of Educational Design.”
His research interests include: History of Education, Non-Verbal Behavior, Media Pedagogy, Development of Educational Units, and Educational Design.
He has presented papers at numerous international and Greek conferences.
He is the Director of the M.Sc. “Models of Educational Planning and Development”. He has also served as Dean of the School of Humanities, President and Vice President of the Teaching Faculty of Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, Director of the Piraeus Pedagogical Training Center, and Member of the Administrative Board of the Institute of Continuing Education and Training .
He is Vice President of the Administrative Board of the Hellenic Society of History of Education (E.L.E.I.E.), a member of ISCHE (International Standing Conference for the History of Education), editor of the E.L.E.I.E. journal, and Scientific Advisor to the prestigious German journal ZfE (Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft), published by Leske und Budrich, Opladen.